Thursday, May 24, 2007


I think we might have just agreed to buy our first house! There's not actually a signed sales agreement yet, as it was a For Sale By Owner thing, but we just agreed to buy anyway.

This has taken sooo long for us. We'll have been married for 6 years this summer and we've been wanting to buy for forever, but for various reasons, it never made sense until last summer. So we've been looking for approximately 2 1/2 years now, only seriously for about a year. We've made 3 different offers and looked at a bazillion houses online and in person. I so hope that its over with.

Now on to the other 100 things that have to be done before you actually own the home. Then its on to the 1 million things that need to be done to make it our own.

I hope I can actually sleep tonight. I don't think I will.

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